High Risk Pregnancy in Pune

High Risk Pregnancy

by | Jun 7, 2022

high risk pregnancy in Pune
Pregnancy is a very natural process of life. Normally, the gestation or pregnancy period for a human is nine months, after which she goes into labour on or close to the due date and delivers a healthy baby. But not all pregnancies are smooth. Some pregnancies are complicated and incur risks to both mother and baby’s life.

Which complications can cause a High-Risk Pregnancy?

The following complications lead to high-risk pregnancy.

  • High maternal age
  • Preexisting medical conditions
  • Diabetes
  • STD
  • Depression
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Heart, kidney, liver or major organ disorders.

Common high-risk pregnancy-related issues

High-risk pregnancy is often indicated by the following pregnancy-related issues:

  • Premature Labor-When the labour pain starts much before its due date(i.e.before 37 weeks of gestation ), it is preterm labour. Babies born in preterm labour are called premature, and they typically suffer various odds and health problems.
  • Placenta previa-is a condition when the placenta covers the cervix. The woman can have bleeding due to it, and the condition complicates when the placenta covers the opening for delivery.
  • Fetal issues, especially in multiple births- in 1-2% of cases, the fetus may not develop fully or having congenital problems. There are more chances of structural defects in multiplefetal gestation e.g.twins, triplets, quadruplets.

Is It possible that a healthy pregnancy converts to high-risk pregnancy towards its end?

Yes. The pregnancy has three trimesters, and with every progressing trimester, the risk increases. Even a normal pregnancy can convert to high risk due to the growth of the fetus, the body’s reaction towards pregnancy , lifestyle changes in pregnancy and individual care and precaution during pregnancy.

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12+ Years of Experience as
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12+ Years of Experience as
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12+ Years of Experience as
Sexologist and Infertility Specialist

Some medical conditions that may complicate pregnancy

There are three most scrupulous pregnancy problems that tend to complicate pregnancies:

1. Preeclampsia – It is a high blood pressure syndrome, where women have high protein levels in urine. Preeclampsia has the potential to complicate even a healthy pregnancy. And obese or aged women are more prone to develop preeclampsia during their pregnancy.

2. Gestational diabetes – A type 2 diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It poses the threat of a high-risk pregnancy to aged women or women with multiple gestations. Typically, the condition reverses after pregnancy, but women may need a C-section due to complications in pregnancy.

3. Depression – Around 14-23% of women feel depressed during pregnancies. Depression can occur due to hormonal changes, emotional turbulence in a personal relationship, lack of support, inadequate, preexisting medical conditions, or any unforeseen condition. It can potentially harm the health of both mother and baby.

Biophysical profile test (BPP) For High-Risk Pregnancies

The pregnancy period may involve a list of tests and routine ultrasounds, to thoroughly diagnose fetal health every week. The biophysical-profile test is recommended for evaluating high-risk pregnancies. It is a combination of a nonstress test with ultrasound.

The BPP and ultrasound tests evaluate the following fetal characteristics:

  • Amniotic volume
  • Fetal tone
  • Fetal movements
  • Fetal Breathing and heart rate
  • Other required health aspects of the fetus

Our doctor may suggest a BPP test if you have:

  • An overdue pregnancy
  • A complicated pregnancy with blood pressure, diabetes, or any significant heart or kidney disease issues
  • Multiple foetuses with twins, triplets or quadruplets
  • Less amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)
  • Inadequate fetal growth due to intrauterine growth restriction
  • Placental abnormalities
  • Premature rupture of fetal membranes

How To Prevent And Treat High-Risk Pregnancy?

It is recommended to consult a trained gynecologist pre-conception to examine your health and readiness for conception. Our doctor may recommend the following instruction to reduce pregnancy risk. You can directly contact Dr. Ramit Kamate for the best consultation.

  • Regular immunisation
  • Maintaining proper weight
  • Physical activity
  • Managing pregnancy conditions of diabetes, depression, and infection

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Being a doctor myself, I was looking for a Gynaecologist who understands my concerns and solves it so easily that my non-doctor husband understands it well. Dr. Ramit is very compassionate and is really good at his skills. I would highly recommend him.

Pravin Bhanvase


Doctor is very friendly & attentive. Listens to you gives you plenty of time. one stop solutions for all diagnostics. All the test samples are collected at clinic only, Dr. Ramit Kamte is very compassionate and is really good at his skills. I would highly recommend him.

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Dr. Ramit Raosaheb Kamate


Dr. Ramit Kamate is a Reproductive Medicine Consultant and Sexologist with experience of 12+ years. He specialises in Sexual Medicine for male and female, Fertility Treatment, Pre and Post Delivery Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Tubectomy/Tubal Ligation, Natural Cycle IVF, MTP.

Dr. Ramit Kamate finished MBBS from B J Medical College, Pune. He pursued Masters’s In Reproductive Medicine from Hamilton University, UK & IBCME Dubai. Completed Fellowship in Cosmetic Gynaecology and Sexual Medicine from USA.

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